The 3P Story

Where it all started

The REAL Meaning of 3P:

Initially the Founders opened a triathlon store and they named it 3P TRI SHACK until now its open and running well. 3P founders are Brian Masayon, David Bahia & Kristoffer Crisostomo. They cant think of a name so they said.. they will name it 3P coz they are the “3 pogi”. “Pogi” in filipino is handsome/goodlooking hahahaha (no kidding lol). So the 3 of them agreed to name it 3P, as in “Tatlong Pogi” aka 3 handsome men… hahaha honestly its true… until it became a word of mouth by everyone we are 3P. Hence the name of our triathlon store was born 3P TRI SHACK. due to the demand and request of our friends and followers of our store to open up our own tri club, we decided to open up our own club and name it  3P TRI TEAM..

The main goal and purpose of the club is to house athletes from different levels of fitness and from different sports of triathlon, running, and cycling. Make them feel at home with the club, make them feel they belong the 3P FAMILY where everyone feels comfortable with their level of fitness and be recognized of their efforts, strengths and weaknesses. Where everyone can be an inspiration and motivation for others and to others. All existing members can feel the warm setting of the club where it feels like family all the time. Everyone is just so nice, encouraging, motivating and supportive of one another.

The Club started in october 2017 merely for a handful of friends only. But when the words started to spread that we opened our own club, the membership just exploded so big and fast….. in 10 months since we opened the club, we had 130 paid members already….!

Now the 3P somehow has a different meaning now coz its not all about us 3 anymore but us the family of triathletes. It can be any of the following:

3P -3phases of triathlon sport which is swim bike run

3P -perseverance, personal best (pr) and persistence.

Now that’s the meaning of 3P.